Monday, August 30, 2010
Much Love Monday
Its Monday again and that means its time for Much Love Monday. So here what I am loving today:
Dad's jumper - you know the ones that they buy from cheap stores like 'Lowes' that are wolly and are really big? I keep stealing my dad's as its so warm, even though its nearly spring here.
Camera Lense Mug - yes i finally brought one, with my prize money. Its so cool. Everyone keeps questioning if i am drinking out of an actual lense :)
Tea with honey - so yummy!
Photo's by Mary Robinson
much love monday
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Always, Sometimes, Never
Thanks to my favourite blog of all time, Here Comes The Sun, she has provided me with something to post about today. Just a little something fun to join in on :)
I Always:
♥ quote lines from britsih sitcoms
♥ say i'll do this, but never do
♥ leave homework and assignments till the last minute
♥ wish upon a star every night
I Sometimes:
♥ fall asleep with my laptop in bed
♥ wish i had a talking pet monkey called jack
♥ imagine what it would be like to live in a different place
♥ spend way too much time on the internet
I Never:
♥ never go to bed on time
♥ read or watch the news. it does not interest me in any way
♥ want to work in a office
♥ have my feet umder the blanket when i sleep
Photo's by Alena Beljakova
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
i am happy
"Yang Sheng An Memorial Art Prize winner, Murphy Bouma, is pictured in front of her winning painting and flanked by judges Richard Hook and Leonie Watson"
Today I am so happy, because I found out that I won this competition at my uni called 'Yang Sheng-An Memorial Art Prize', which honours the memory of a past creative arts student who drowned in 2002. I never expected to win, but i did and got a $1000 cheque which will go towards something productive i hope. The theme was 'Spirit and Nature' and i entered the above painting, which came from a series i did earlier this year based around roadkill. The title of the painting is ‘Memento mori, Memento vivere', which means translated 'Remember you must die, remember that you must live'.
Really couldn't of been a better day :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Artist: Ghostpatrol
Ghostpatrol is an Australian self taught artist whose work ranges form fine ink drawing, street-art, commissioned murals and soft sculpture. I am so in love with his drawings on pencils, such a clever idea. Also like the collaboration work with the artist Miso, also Australian.
Ceck out his website and he also has a flickr account.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Much Love Monday
This morning while catching up on some of my favourite blogs I found out about this fun thing called Much Love Monday. Where you post about things you love every monday. Thought it sounded fun and have decided to join in. So here it goes, some things that I love <3
Old Camera's - I have a pretty big collection of old vintage camera's. Anything from film camera's to polaroid's goes into my collection. Hope the collection keeps on growing.
Peach Coloured Roses - My favourite kind of flower and also love the colour.
Printmaking - I've taken quite a liking to my new printmaking class and can't wait to start my major work for the semester.
much love monday
Paper hats

Last night I was playing with my best friend slash dog and we made paper hats together. It was heaps of fun and i think he actually liked his hat. He carried it with him to show my dad and mum. His name is Groucho by the way, love him to death :)
Artist: Nicola Hicks
Nicola Hicks is an contemporary British artist who is mostly known known for her extraordinarily textured sculptures of animals, people and hybrids thereof. One of the most striking aspects of Hicks's work is her idiosyncratic use of plaster and straw in large-scale sculpture, materials which she discovered early in her career. The viscous texture and rough finish of the medium allow Hicks to bring the ‘'sketchy', handled qualities of drawing into her sculpture.
I watched her in a art documentary and thought her work was brilliant. I lover her sculpture's and her drawings muchly. Her work has given me much inspiration for my major works for this semester. I finally have so many ideas running through my head. So very exciting!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Take a picture
I haven't done any photography for a few months now. So i was thinking of getting out my SLR camera tomorrow and just taking a snap shots redomly throughout the day. It's been a nice weekend so far. Can start to feel spring coming and can't wait for it to finally arrive. Missing the warmth.
Hope the rest of the weekend goes well for everyone :)
Photo's by Soledad Burgos
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I love british comedy, so much better the any other kind of comedy in the world. I watch pretty much every British Sitcom that there is. A few of my favourites are like Black Adder, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, Black Books, 'Allo 'Allo!, Absolutely Fabulous and Are You Being Served?. But my all time favourites are the one's starring Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson in The Young Ones, Bottom and Flithy Rick & Catflap. Their physical comedy is fantastic and they just tell so many funny/stupid jokes.
Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson work great together. I wish i got to see them live when they did the Bottom Live tours. Hopefully will get to meet them one day and get their autographs.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lens mug
I know what you're thinking... 'Oh my god, i want this!' This is pretty much on the top of my list of things to purchase. I mean how cool, photography and coffee all in one! Also love how you can get all different brands of lens' and different size's aswell. To hetic for words!
You can buy them from heaps of places like ebay and such, and they only cost $30. why would you not purchase one. I hope that i can get one of each type they bring out :)
Go here to read a bit more about them
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I like it
Hey there! hope everyone had a good weekend, well i know i did. Did pretty much everything i wanted to plus extra. Was a lot of fun. So thought i would post some pretty pictures today as i am trying to find inspiration for my majors at the moment.
Photo's by Lina Scheynius
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Friday, August 13, 2010
To do list
The weekend is finally here! I have alot to do this weekend like assignments, clean my room, go shopping, gym and start working on my major's for this semester. Hopefully it won't be all hard work, but also some relaxing time watching some dvd's in my cosy bed.
Photo's by honey.huckabee
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pretty inside and out
I'm really in the mood to do up my room. Would love to have clean and simple like these picture's but i own to much stuff. Might do a post soon where i show you stuff in my life, inside and out. Again, so pretty.
Photo's by Colourlessclouds
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hello big world!
How cute is this jewelery from Hello Big World. I absolutely love the camera necklace and the button rings. Really wishing i had money to spend at the moment, i mean the life of a uni student.
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I love Deer's, they are my favourite creatures apart from dogs. They are so cool and so pretty with their antler's, long legs, fur and cute face's. So these are just a few pretty's for you guys :)
Photo's by (1, 2, 3)
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Monday, August 9, 2010
'Bow ties are cool'
I'll have to admit, i really didn't like Matt Smith playing the new 'Doctor Who' at first when he was revealed and such, surprisingly i have miss judged his character. He is funny, sexy, smart, stylish and has done a really good job of creating his own image of the Doctor. I've also just seen him in Billie Piper's television show 'The Secret Diary of a Call Girl'. Personally, thought it was pretty good to see what he looked like with former 'Doctor Who' character, Rose Tyler. Im so excited for the next series of 'Doctor Who', can't wait!
P.s. Love you Matt Smith
Photo's by Frederike Helwi
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Sunday, August 8, 2010
Lazy Sunday Afternoon
I have been so tired lately. All i want to do today is just stay in bed, sleep, read my book and drink hot chocolate. These photo's by We are Tiny Things pretty much capture how i want my day to be. Really love just those random days were you absolutely do nothing and just chill at home.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010
Walking on water
I went down to the harbour today for an excursion to take photo's for my uni class. It was a heaps fun day just hanging with friends, taking pictures and having coffee. So in spirit for a fun filled day i discovered on one of my flickr searches these lovely pictures by Caiti Anne
p.s. I really want that skirt :)
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The world fascinates me
Whilst doing some research on the pop icon artist, Andy Warhol, i came across a bunch of his polaroids. He had a habit of taking portraits from his Polaroid 'Big Shot' camera of everyone he met and still life images of ballet shoes, eggs, knives, guns, perfume bottles and other commercial products as his ironic soup can.
For a while I've wanted to purchase my own Polaroid 'Big Shot' camera to add to my collection of old cameras and also to experiment with taking portraits similar to these.
I love the work that Andy Warhol did. I mean, how could you not be inspired by his images.
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