Photo Credit: MKestfou
Monday, February 28, 2011
30. The last argument you had
Photo Credit: MKestfou
30 day challenge
Winter Wardrobe

It's just about to hit autumn here and already I'm starting to feel the cold. I love winter for so many reasons like the cold winter nights, hot noodles, cozing up to a book, rainy days, and being able to snuggle. I especially love being able to wear all winter essentials and accessories like coats, mittens, scarfs, boots and all those things. I would move to London or Paris just so I could dress like this for the whole year round, well most of it.
So with winter just around the corner I have been going like crazy trying to decide lately what pieces I wish to purchase for winter and looking through Lookbook for inspiration. My winter wardrobe is pretty much going to be filled with oversized cardigans, jackets, jumpers and shirt dresses with tights and plain black boots.
Will anyone be trying any new looks for the coming winter? If you live somewhere where it's about to hit summer what were some new looks that you were trying out?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
29. Something you're not proud of

Photo Credit: 1. Cole|Burkey 2. Casey Liu
30 day challenge
Saturday, February 26, 2011
28. An embarrassing/socially awkward situation you've found yourself in.
Umm.... I am sure I have been in hundreds of arkward situations in my lifetime but I am having such a bad time trying to remember at least one. One I can think of that I usually find myself in a lot is when people start talking about their relationships and/or sex lives while I'm sitting in the corner thinking, "Yep! I've never dated and still a virgin, I have nothing to add to this conversation". Probably not the worst thing that has happen to me.
Photo Credit: Sarah Wilde
30 day challenge
Dress Up
I am loving the latest collection from the Australian label Dress Up is just too stunning. I especially loving and wanting the beige pants. Why are things that are beautiful are so out of my price range? Also that girl is so beautiful, wishing I had her looks right now.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Flickr Fave Friday
A lot of photos lately that I am loving go along the same basic scheme of simple nude, pastel colours. I am hoping to introduce some of these colours into my wardrobe for winter.
Anyway I hope all of you have a lovely weekend. As for me I will be getting last minute things done for when I go back to uni on Monday.
Photo Credit: 1. Untitled, 2. The mood in my room, 3. Untitled, 4. Beatrice, 5. Untitled, 6. F1000010, 7. velvet, 8. flores de pequeña jaula, 9. Faded up to the Sky
Anyway I hope all of you have a lovely weekend. As for me I will be getting last minute things done for when I go back to uni on Monday.
Photo Credit: 1. Untitled, 2. The mood in my room, 3. Untitled, 4. Beatrice, 5. Untitled, 6. F1000010, 7. velvet, 8. flores de pequeña jaula, 9. Faded up to the Sky
flickr fave friday,
27. Name and shame - someone's status/someone in general that makes you cringe.

Sorry for the not so nice post bu I hoped that the pictures would cheer it up. Pretty cool aren't they!
Photo Credit: br∆d comer
30 day challenge
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Christchurch disaster
Part of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Christchurch lies in ruin. |
Already 92 people have been pulled from the rubble and have been put in a temporary morgue. Police say that the number is expected to rise considerably as the days go on. The list of missing stands at 238. Hopes of finding survivors in the rubble of quake-ravaged Christchurch are slowly fading as the second day following the devastating quake draws to a end.
Amanda from Here Comes The Sun has written a touching post with different links to the appeal - if you need information or you'd like to make a contribution.
this that showed pictures from the event and I saw this picture and read the caption I really touched me. I'm in tears whenever I think about the people who have lost loved ones because I couldn't even dare to dream what it would be like if it happened to me or anyone I knew. If this has taught me anything it's that we can never take a single day for granted. Always let people that you love and care about know whenever you have the chance to.
Christchurch earthquake,
26. 5 things within touching distance
1. Groucho, my dog - we are watching 'Bargain Hunt'
2. A glass of peach iced tea
3. TV controller
4. A warm blanket - it's cold
5. A empty plate - I made an omelette for breakfast :)
Photo Credit: dreamer awake
30 day challenge
Moleskin Notebook
Do any of you guys use notebooks or such to write or draw things down of inspiration and stuff like that?
Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Diana F+ “Take My Heart”
25. A person/persons that inspire you or deeply look up too.
In 2005 my mum brought home one day about 10 postcards from the AGNSW that had some of the photographs printed on them from the exhibition she just went to see. When she finished putting them into a frame she showed me them and at that moment I knew I wanted to be an artist. I had never before seen such beautiful images that were like paintings from the Romantic era. This was the first time i had seen the work by the Australian photographer Bill Henson.
His work literally changed my life. After that moment all I wanted to do was create beautiful pieces of work that made other feel the same I did towards his photographs. I believe in what he stands for and find his work so inspiring. I truly look up to him.Check out his work here
Photo found via here
30 day challenge
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Naked Chef
What an amazing, inspiring and all round funny guy. I'm am sure this man has entered your home at some point in your life. Being brought up by parents running a successful pub/restaurant Jamie Oliver always knew he wanted to be a chef. Being noticed by the BBC while he was working at The River Cafe in Fulham as a sous chef in 1999. In that year his first show 'The Naked Chef' debuted and was a great success and he also published his first cookbook. Now he is a internationally cooking celebrity and has gone to do great things. Like his campaign to stop serving junk food in school cafeterias and serve healthier food to kids. He is definitely my cooking inspiration and also a role model.
I have been trying to find a cheap copy of his cookbook 'Jamie at Home' as I remember watching the series when it first started here in Australia. Definitely thought it was the best yet. I also kind of wanted to do a 'Julie and Julia' kind of style thing on my blog as I work my way through his cookbook within 365 days. Thought it could be quite fun.
I also want to try and get some of his series on dvd as I have been watching countless of Youtube videos of him. Not good for the internet I tell you :)
Check out his official website if you have not already here and his Youtube channel here.
P.S. Some of you may have notice my newest addition to my blog, the music player. Thought it would be a fun idea to put up 10 songs each week or so that I have recently discovered or just can't get enough of. It will also would be cool, if some people get my music taste, suggest new songs or bands that I should check out. Even unsigned artists as well as it would be a great opportunity for them to have a different audience listening to them. Anyway hope you all have a lovely day.
Photo was found via here.
24. Your motto and why.
I can't remember where or when I first heard this saying but it's been mine for as long as I can remember. I believe that every action we take and don't take was set in stone for us to make so we can get to where were meant to be. And every heartbreak and love we have is meant to teach us something and make our life better. Nothing happe's by chance or luck, it was fate that did it. I was just googleling about the saying and found this nice poem inspired by the saying. Be sure to check that out here.
What are some of your guy's sayings that you go by.
Photo Credit: •eden
30 day challenge
Monday, February 21, 2011
Much Love Monday
Thought it was time to do another Much Love Monday post :)
Taking chances - I have been going through a lot of things lately and soon enough I am going to do something that could possibly change my life and never have I felt more confident or proud of myself. I haven't done anything like this since I was 13 years old. I just hope I have made the right decision.
Painting - Have just started doing another painting. I haven't painted in such a long time it feels good to hold a paintbrush again and just sit and paint.
Nikonos - V Camera - My newest edition to my camera collection. A beautiful looking camera that's retro and so sufficiant. It's an underwater camera and was made in the mid 1980's. It is considered one of, if not the best underwater camera that has ever been produced. This is what it looks like.
Photo Credit: Everything's Magic
much love monday
23. 5 things you want to change.
Not sure what extension it means by changing things but will do whatever I feel like.
1. I would change the world so there wouldn't be any world hunger or poverty.
2. I would change my hair so rather having small curls would be really nice big wavy curls. I could do so much more with it then.
3. I would change so that all the natural disasters that have been happening lately in Australia wouldn't of happen. We have had floods, fires and a cyclone.
4. I would change that a little girl didn't die a little while back. She died the next suburb over from me on the train tracks with her friend.
5. I would change so that I wasn't single, might seem a bit selfish but I hate being single.
Photo Credit: juliakphotos
30 day challenge
22. Post a bit of your last IM conversation.
I hardly IM anymore, even with the facebook chat. I always forget I'm chating to somewhere and end up walking away after a while and never end up coming back. But luckily I was chatting with one my my best friends who I haven't chatted too in ages. She also has blog and is doing the 30 Day Challenge as well. Be sure to check her out also here. She is pretty awesome if I dare say :)
30 day challenge
Sunday, February 20, 2011
21. Your favourite novel/story and why.
'The Mortal Instruments' series are by far my favourite books of all time. Their are such great series that seems like it has everything. Full of twists and turns and a story line that will keep you on the edg of your sit. If anyone is a fan of twilight then you will love these books. The characters are amazing as well. I love Clare, the main girl, as I feel like I can really connect with her in a way. She seems like me.
I'm also excited for the first book to be turned into a movie. They better not ruin them or I'll kill them. They have already spoiled it by picking some actress to play Clare that doesn't seem like her at all. Oh well, hopefully she will prove me wrong.
30 day challenge
Friday, February 18, 2011
Flickr Fave Friday
Photo Credit: 1. Untitled, 2. Flower Power., 3. The Owl and The Pussycat Editorial, 4. Untitled, 5. Untitled, 6. film
flickr fave friday,
19. Post a picture of yourself without make-up/hair done.
Not the best photo quality but it will do. I actually don't wear a lot of make-up during the day. I am quite happy to leave the house during the day without any. If anything I mostly just use foundation and mascara. Then it comes to going out clubbing or special event I I like to do my eye's.
30 day challenge
Thursday, February 17, 2011
18. To do list.
♥ See all the famous artworks around the world
♥ Meet Bill Henson in person
♥ Have time stand still
♥ Write a novel
♥ Stand on stage with a band at a concert
♥ Go on a typical road trip with my best friends
♥ Have my own talking monkey sidekick named jack
♥ Own a home where I grow my own food and have a beautiful garden
♥ Kiss in the rain
♥ Travel in time and space with The Doctor
♥ To get married
♥ Create a masterpiece
♥ To find true love
♥ Become an artist
♥ Start a slow clap around lots of people
♥ Be a maid of honour
♥ Get a band 6 for Visual Arts in the HSC
♥ Make a thousand paper cranes
♥ Read every book on my book list
♥ Go to Pris, London, the Netherlands and the US
What are some of the things on your 'to do' list?
Photo Credit: Jam Velvet
30 day challenge
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
17. Something you regret.

That's why lately its been my goal to try and be more open to my closest friend and to not keep my feelings hiden if it's hurting me. Hopefully everyone is able to to do and doesn't keep everything to themselves.
Photo Credit: kyra c.
30 day challenge
Destintion: Canberra
Wow! can't believe I never got around to talking about my fantastic road trip down to Canberra a while back. I hadn't been to Canberra for 4 years and I had only ever gone there for school excursions so it was nice to go there just to hang and such. It started the road trip at 8:30 but stopped straight away for breakfast at maccas. After that we set forth on the 3 hour road trip ahead. It wasn't off to a good start when we couldn't get the iTrip to work so had to listen to the radio, which was pretty lame. It's quite relaxing just driving ith a friend and listening to the radio.
When we finally got their we first went to meet up with one of my best friends as she was moving into her room for university. Her room was ok, but you nothing to get excited over about. Had a window of the court yard which was nice. After our visit we went over to the National Gallery of Australia, which was exciting because it was my first time. The Gallery was quite nice, really bug and very easy to get lost in without a map. Eventually found the works and exhibitions I was dying to see.
We first saw the 'Space Invaders' exhibition. It's the first time that a exhibition about street art as been shown in a national gallery so it was a big deal to go and see it. It was showing works from over 40 Australian street artists. Some of them include names like Ghostpatrol, Sync, Miso, HAHA, Robert SIM, Lister, PRISM and MEEK. It was a very good exhibition and they also had a video showing you some of the artists working and such.
After that we went to look at their permitted collection of works and they had a few nice pieces.
I was really surprised to see the Magritte there. But never the less I was happy to see some of the artworks on my must see list. We then went to the shop which is always fun and i got some books and postcards (yay!). Going to the art gallery shop is probably one of my favourite things to do. After that we went back to the university to say goodbye to my friend and left Canberra for a 3 hour road trip back to home. We also decided when we were together that maybe next holidays we would go on a roadtrip down to Melbourne for like a week. Heaps excited if it happens :)
Photo found from The Wooden Foundations Collective Blog Thingo
When we finally got their we first went to meet up with one of my best friends as she was moving into her room for university. Her room was ok, but you nothing to get excited over about. Had a window of the court yard which was nice. After our visit we went over to the National Gallery of Australia, which was exciting because it was my first time. The Gallery was quite nice, really bug and very easy to get lost in without a map. Eventually found the works and exhibitions I was dying to see.
After that we went to look at their permitted collection of works and they had a few nice pieces.
![]() | ||||||||
Chuck Close'Bob' 1970 synthetic polymer paint on canvas |
Jackson Pollock 'Blues Poles' 1952 oil, enamel, aluminum paint, glass on canvas |
Andy Warhol 'Elvis' 1963 synthetic polymer paint screen-printed onto canvas |
Andy Warhol 'Electric Chair' 1967 synthetic polymer paint screen-printed onto canvas |
Claude Monet 'Waterlilies' 1914-17 oil on canvas |
![]() |
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 'Moulin Rouge: La Goulue (The Glutton)' 1891 Print, Poster, planographic Technique: Four colour brush and spatter lithograph in four colours on three sheets |
René Magritte Les Amants (The lovers) 1928 oil on canvas |
Photo found from The Wooden Foundations Collective Blog Thingo
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
16. A drunken story.

Ok It will have to be the first time I had ever gotten drunk. Now I was never much of a drinker but it was my first New Year's with friends in 2007/08. My friend, Alex, pulled out the coon bag and we started drinking from it. One guy, Chris, was pressuring me to drink more so I did and before I knew I was running around the yard like any old drunken fool. Now this was when a guy I liked was dating this chick and I was heaps jealous and thought that he was too good for her. So I thought it was in my buisness to sort this out. Now when your trying to find two people when drunk is not the best idea. I eventually heard there their voices in a tent. I went upt to the tent ad yelled "Oi guys get out here, we need to sort this situation out now". They told to pretty much get lost, in nice terms. I didn't like their answer so I kicked the tent and eaxactly where I decided to kick it was where the girls head was. Everyone was apparently laughing and the guy was having a go at me. It was pretty terrible but whenever I tell people it or people mention it they are like 'that's too good!'.
And just another quick note, thanks people for putting up again with my depressing posts lately. Not in the best place at the moment. I need to get out of it and try and be a bit more happy.
Photo Credit: Rogier Houwen
30 day challenge
Monday, February 14, 2011
15. Lyrics that apply to your current situation/mood.
Well the mood that I am in right now is not a good one. Didn't get to do anything that I had planned for today. One it was raining and wasn't interested in going up to Sydney on a cold day like this. Secondly the friend I wanted to meet up with never texted me back so I didn't get to see them. The person I was hoping to see was the guy that I can't stop thinking about. So today has been a very unsuccessful day in trying to forget it was Valentine's Day. The lyrics that I have choosen are to a song I just currently heard for the first time. It's called 'All of Me' by Angus and Julia Stone and this song I thought described the exact way I am feeling.
'Is there a remedy for waiting
For loves victorious return
Is there a remedy for hating
Every second that I'm without you'
For loves victorious return
Is there a remedy for hating
Every second that I'm without you'
30 day challenge
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I hope that everyone survives tomorrow who are single and the rest of you who are in relationships..... I am quite jealous, but I hope you have lovely day with your partner(s) .
Photo Credit: bonniecakes
14. Something disgusting you do.
If anyone has a cure for biting nails please let me know asap :)
Photo Credit: TONY KATAI
30 day challenge
Saturday, February 12, 2011
13. Name one person you'd throw off a cliff, one you'd marry and one you'd shag.
Photo Credit: alison scarpulla
30 day challenge
Friday, February 11, 2011
Flickr Fave Friday
I thought i would take this opportunity to ask people if they would like to see anything on my blog. Like maybe some more photo's of my artwork and talking about it. Or maybe start doing some post about my outfits and fashion style. Anyway if anyone has some suggestions that would be great :)
Photo Credit: 1. yyellowbird 2. Clotilde Boisrenard 3. tintadachina 4. g w e n h w y f a r
Photo Credit: 1. yyellowbird 2. Clotilde Boisrenard 3. tintadachina 4. g w e n h w y f a r
flickr fave friday,
12. Something you're currently worrying about.
I'm kind of actually worries about not finding a job. There just seems to be no job offers going around at the moment and I'm starting to eat into my hard earned savings. Hopefully one will turn up soon and will be one that i'll like. I'm gonna go hand some resume's in at places that I am interested in. I wouldn't mind working in a clothing store or even a supermarket for the time being.
Photo Credit: -szabo
Photo Credit: -szabo
30 day challenge
Thursday, February 10, 2011
11. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or with someone you hate for a month? Keep in mind you gotta survive. Discuss.
What a fun and interesting question. You see the advantage of just only staying a month on the island rather then ten years but I definitely would have to pick being stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years. You would just have so much more fun with them. Exploring the island, long nights and other stuff. It probably wouldn't be too bad. You would obviously be able to tolerate that person for ten years.
Photo Credit: Mònica dofa
30 day challenge
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