Kelly Angood is a set designer and a maker of both props and functional objects from the UK. Since graduating she has been working on producing replicas of objects that she herself desires.
Despite never having laid eyes on them in real life, she uses references and images from the Internet and books to produce these replicas. My favourite piece that she has created is the Pinhole Hasselblad. Screen-printed on corrugated cardboard, it is designed to function as a real pinhole camera and take 120 film. She has also designed one that can take 35 mm film where you are now able to download and build your own. Imagine making your own Hasselblad camera, a iconic piece of equipment that has been around since the end of WWII. I am definitely making one of these to be added to my camera collection.
Be sure to go over to Kelly Angood's website and check out some of the other amazing things she has created. She also has a tumblr and flickr account. Download the 35 mm Pinhole Hasselblad through here.
The Original Pinhole Hasselblad |
The 35 mm Pinhole Hasselblad |
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