I just discovered this project that Sarah Adamson did last year called 'Let them smoke'. She is an Australian experimental artist working with a wide range of medias including film, illustration, photography and design. From being motivated by her curiosity and strong desire to constantly improve her work, Sarah aims to create a distinctive style that reflects her own character. In this project, 'Let them smoke', Sarah observes and dissects the nature of humans. “Let them smoke” is a project that challenges our misconception of our invincibility and states that our condition everyday is uncertain and fragile by showing how we are constantly reacting to the happenings outside of ourselves. I love the rawness of this project and the film has been shot o beautifully. This would have to be one of my favourite body of works that has done a great job of capturing real life. Someday I would like to attempt at making a film that would go along with a series of paintings or images.

Photo Credit: Sarah Adamson

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