Watching... Been watching the new series of Doctor Who and it's been amazing so far! On dvd I have been re-watching the entire Buffy series, which has also been great.
Drinking... At the moment I have been drinking some tea I purchased from T2 about a month ago called Melbourne Breakfast. It is so yummy and I have been enjoying making it in my tea for one pot.
Listening... The best download this month would definitely have to be Chances by Athlete, which is a nice slow song that has inspired me to try and take a big chance with something.
Wishing... To buy this Kings Of Carnaby dress from Gary Pepper Vintage as it's so pretty, but I need to wait for some money to transfer into my bank and its a long and frustrating process. Fingers cross that they don't sell out in my size till then.
If you wish to play along the full details of the game can be find here
Photo Credit: neon.tambourine

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