The Brits... again yes I am still talking about the Brits again. It was such a fantastic weekend to be British honestly. We had the Royal wedding, Doctor Who premiere in Australia, plus I had tea and biscuits for lunch yesterday. I would give anything to be British :)
My Wacom tablet just new and I can't believe that I have never had one before. Just have been playing around with it but I am a few things install for it. Maybe a little somthing for a giveaway, but all in good time.
Badger's They are my newest love in the animal kingdom. It's a bit sad that are seen as these vicious creatures even thought they are only trying to protect themselves or others. Their adorable and quite frankly are just plain cool.
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Hey everyone! What a great day it is. The start of a new month and the start of a new week as well It feels special for some reason... Anyway I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a guest post (or two) for me this weekend as I'll be away on a little adventure. I would be so grateful and would return the favour in anyway. If so just send me a email with the subject 'guest post'. Thanks guys
Hope everyone has a lovely week ahead for themselves :)

2 lovely comments:
Love the raspberry heart! Your defense of badgers made me smile. Yes they are cool, aren't they?
Your photographs are stunning (I browsed a bit). Looking forward to following you. I found you through Much Love Monday.
My Blog
Nice photo and nice blog too...
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