During my many long hours of painting I have been The Beatles constantly on repeat. Like everyone I am a huge fan of The Beatles and I wish I was growing up in the 60's to see them live. I don't know why I have been listening to them so much lately, besides the fact that they are amazing. Maybe it's just what they stand for or something. Also how lovely are these images from Tom Murray's photo shoot taken in 1968. They show so much of their personalities and it's amazing that Murray didn't share these images till 30 years later. To me, they are some of the best images taken of the Beatles during their career.
But anyway I wanted to see what was everyone's top 5 Beatles songs of all time. Most of mine are songs that were featured or made for the movie '
Yellow Submarine' as I grew up watching and loving this. Did anyone else watch this as a kid? Here are my top five Beatles song's, which weren't easy to pick.
Twist and Shout
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Yellow Submarine
Nowhere Man
Here Comes The Sun
What your top 5 Beatles songs?
Photo credit: Taken by Tom Murray and
found here
2 lovely comments:
how have I never seent hese before?!!? LOVE THEM.
here comes the sun od course ! ;)
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