It's the start of a new month and I can't believe there is only one month left of winter. So I thought I would reminisce on some of the things that I love about about winter.
♥ Drinking lots of chai tea ♥ Cold mornings when I don't want to leave my warm bed ♥
Sitting in front of the heater with both the pets ♥ Wearing thick woolly socks ♥ Winter clothing
♥ Scarves, mittens and beanies ♥ Going to bed early to read a book or watch a DVD ♥ Rainy days ♥
Putting on you pyjamas as soon as you get home ♥ Seeing your breath in the cold air ♥ Lots of cuddles
♥ Soup & bread ♥ Hot water bottles ♥ Hanging out with friends around a camp fire ♥
7 lovely comments:
pretty old buttons ...
i love staying under the covers too, on a rainy and cold weather! esp so if i can cuddle with the boy! :p ha.
I agree with all your loves for winter! ♥
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Ahh, that sounds refreshing in the midst of our suffocatingly hot summer.
My Blog
I love winter, its my favourite season, so I'm pretty pleased we are just coming to the end of summer here! Great list by the way!
so many of you much love monday-ers are on the otherside of the world from me - and you're all getting me excited for autumn and winter here in the states! Its been a humid and miserable summer
I can't wait for winter!
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