Thursday, August 4, 2011

One Year Blogiversary!

I can't believe that a year has gone by since I started this blog already! So far it's been such a great journey and experience stepping into the blogging world and getting to know so many great bloggers. So I got this idea from Amanda's blog and I wanted to share some of my favourite post that I have shared over the past year. The post titles are linked back to my original posts which you can read the post and find more images and proper picture credits. Hope you guys enjoy :)

365 Knitting Clock
A clock that knits you a scarf

Interview with Gregory Dion from 100 cups
My very first interview I did with Gregory Dion from 100 cups

I just love these photos that I took of some of my vintage finds

The Creativity Chart
A great way to keep you motivated by doing something creative each day

Amanda De Vito
 One of my favourite photographers that I gave came across, photographs by Amanda De Vito

 Mike Stilkey
A artist that I discover who has really inspired me, works by Mike Stilkey

My own personal recipe to make some yummy scones

Some of my favourite work from one of my favourite Australian painters, works by Louise Hearman

A cute DIY project on how to make your own cute daily calender journal

Some amazing photographs shot by Ryan McGinley

I love going through my old posts to look back at all the inspiring things I gave shared with you all. So just a big thank you to all guys who read and enjoy my blog. I hope to have many more great years of blogging ahead of me and can't wait to do this again next year :)

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